Why Prayer Matters

“You do not have, because you do not ask.” -James 4:2

Why we Should Pray

-God Knows What's Best for Us
-It Changes Our Hearts
-It Is a Command of God

Benefits of Faithful Prayer

-Closer Walk with God
-More Contentment in Life
-You Will Smile More
-People Will Want to be Around You

God's View of Prayer

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Why We Don't Pray

  • We Have Hectic Lives
  • We Don’t Believe it Works
  • Sin Separates Us from God
  • We Don’t Know How
  • Needs Change Often
  • We Forget
  • Poor Request Management System
"We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our First Line of Defense."
Oswald Chambers

Never Forget To Pray Again

Have you ever told someone that you would pray for them and then totally forgot? Yup, me to!

How did that make you feel?  Have you ever avoided that person or had an awkward conversation because of it?   Guilty as charged!

Now imagine how much different it would be if you actually prayed for them and then followed up with them later.  In my experience, they are thrilled that someone remembered.

Eliminate the shame and feel good about your prayer life with simple prayer management.  You too can become a prayer warrior!

What is PrayPal

PrayPal is an online prayer management system that lets you capture, edit and schedule prayer requests via desktop, mobile or tablet.  A daily prayer list is automatically created each day providing simple reminders.

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About Us

PrayPal was born out of frustration when I felt the shame and embarrasment of being asked to pray for others and then completely forgetting.  My prayer life was in shambles

Being a nerd, I created a simple database that allowed me to schedule prayers.

After seeing how that changed me and cultivated a deeper relationship with God, I wanted to open up this life changing tool to others.

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No, PrayPal is a web based system accessible anytime you have internet service.

We wanted to make sure that every request was captured easily.  If it is complicated and cannot be done immediately, it rarely is followed up on.

Our customer research showed that prayer requests come to us through a variety of sources; including in person, text and email.  In person requests are easy to capture on a mobile device app.  Texts also need to be done on the mobile device, but are difficult to transfer notes.

We found that many prayer requests come from churches in the form of emails.  Emails are like texts; they are difficult to copy details on mobile devices.  Being able to capture requests on a desktop or laptop allows for easy capture of all the details by a simple copy and paste.

After clicking the “Add Prayer” button, enter the request and select a start and end date, up to two dates a month (great for monthly calendar prayers) or on a specific day of the week.  Click Save.

Yes, notes can be added by editing a prayer.  This feature allows you to capture all the details as they change over time so your prayers are current.

Hover the mouse over the request to show the notes.  On mobile, tap the request.

Improve Your Prayer Life Today